Ralph Eichler Legacy Fund – Lakeside Constituency
100th Anniversary Harley Davidson Motorcycle Raffle
for the 100th Lakeside Constituency Anniversary
Ralph Eichler, MLA for Lakeside Constituency, has generously donated his 2003 Harley Davidson FLHR Road King, 100th Year Anniversary Motorcycle. The opinion of value is that it is worth $12,500. In addition, Ralph has donated many memorabilia and accessory items including the GOLD KEY worth over $1500.
Draw was made on August 21, 2022 at 1:05PM by Ralph Eichler. Winning ticket owed by Suzanne Morin! Congratulations Suzanne!
All net proceeds will go to an endowment fund named the Ralph Eichler Legacy Fund for Lakeside Constituency. It will support our Community Granting Program! LGCA # 834-RF-37951. All rules can be found here:RAFFLE ICF HARLEY – Rules approved
We thank Ralph Eicher for his generosity. The proceeds from the raffle will create the new Ralph Eichler Legacy Fund for Lakeside Constituency that will increase the amount we have for Community Grants every year!
Not interested in the Harley but would like to support the ICF’s new fund? Receipts will be issued for donations made to the Fund. Click here to donate online through our partner the Winnipeg Foundation: https://www.endowmb.org/community-foundations/interlake-community-foundation/
Click here to download our flyer: 100th Harley Davidson ICF Raffle flyer