2024 Community Grant Program
The Deadline to apply for a Community Grant is JUNE 30th, 2024
Please note that there will be no Community Grant Intake in February 2024.
ICF Community Grant Application 2024
Above photo by Joanne Procter
Please follow our Facebook and Instagram pages for any future grant programs.
Gifts and donations to the ICF are invested in perpetuity providing a means to build a permanent legacy for the communities it serves. These donations are usually designated for a specific community or purpose, which, in turn, makes for different levels of funding available for distribution in our areas of Stonewall, Teulon, RMs of Rockwood, Rosser and Woodlands. For 2024, there will be approximately $37,500 available in grant funds for our communities.
Grants are made only to organizations which are registered as charities with Canada Revenue Agency. All applications are considered on merit and in light of funds available for distribution for that particular community or area of interest. We cannot accept sponsorships for non-qualified donees.
The cut off for applications is June 30th of each year. Questions? Call or email–we are here to help you! tracy@interlakefoundation.ca 204.467.5634
2024 Community Grant Application Form please click here: ICF Community Grant Application 2024
ICF Online Grant Application Portal please click here: ICF Online Grant Portal
- Grants are made only to organizations which are registered as charities with Canada Revenue Agency.
- All applications are considered on merit and in light of funds available for distribution for that particular community or area of interest.
- Projects shall not be located on privately owned property.
- Matching or challenge grants may be made in appropriate circumstances to stimulate response from other sources.
- The receipt of grant applications is not formally acknowledged. Applicants should allow at least 2 to 3 months for completion of the review process.
- Any proposed alterations to an approved project must be presented in writing to the Interlake Community Foundation Board for approval.
- The Foundation reserves the right to publish photos and names of individuals and organizations in its annual reports, promotional displays, social media and website.
- Grants are not paid in advance of the project’s completion—receipts are required.
- Representatives from the organization must attend our Annual Grant Presentation Event (usually held in May) and make a brief oral presentation on their organization and/or project. If they do not attend, they must present to the Board at a future Board meeting.
- Successful applicants are required to provide a written report, copies of receipts, and photos before receipt of the grant funds. Failure to comply will be taken into account with any future requests for funds.
- Funds are for:
- –capital projects;
- –materials for specific or one-time projects;
- –materials for specific programs;
- We do not fund labour or installation costs or wages.
- We do not cover PST or GST
- The Interlake Community Foundation encompasses the areas of the R.M. of Rockwood, R.M. of Rosser, R.M. of Woodlands, Town of Stonewall, and Town of Teulon.
- Grants are awarded on an annual basis in the spring of each year.
- Organizations seeking funds must demonstrate a strong and committed volunteer Board of Directors, fiscal responsibility, and effective management of resources.
- Grants are awarded for definite or specific purposes and for projects covering a specific period of time.
- Multi year projects may be considered.
- Please feel free to call or email us to discuss your project before applying. We are here to help!
- Preference is given to programs which promote volunteer participation, and which do not duplicate services provided by other organizations.
- The following are not eligible for grants:
– individuals – governments
– annual fund drives – projects already completed
– to establish or add to endowment funds – direct political or religious activities
– to pay down mortgages or reduce deficits – general conference support
APPLICATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED OR RECEIVED BY JUNE 30, 2024. Applications can be mailed to PO Box 1575, Stonewall, Submitted through our online Grant Portal, or dropped off to our office at 307 Main Street in Stonewall, inside the Something Beautiful Building. Please contact us if you have any questions prior to applying. We are here to help! 204.467.5634 or tracy@interlakefoundation.ca
Our next Community Grant Celebration will be in October 2024.