The Community Builder Club was designed as a way for donors to make a monthly donation to the community of their choice. In its current form, donors can set up recurring monthly or annual donations to come from their credit card and to the fund of their choice. https://www.mycharitytools.com/gift/wpgfdn/donate?fund=254 Click this link and select “make a repeating gift.” Credit card donations are processed for us by the Winnipeg Foundation.
We currently have 4 CBC Funds: CBC Rosser, CBC Teulon, CBC Stonewall, and CBC Unrestricted.
Community Builder Club Rosser currently has a balance of $2100. There have been no grants made from this fund as its balance has not reached $5000. Once it reaches $5000 through monthly or annual donations to the CBC Rosser Fund, annual grants will be made to charities within the RM of Rosser.
Community Builder Club Stonewall has a balance of $5300. Some of the charities that have received grants from this fund are the South Interlake Regional Library, South Interlake Seniors Resource Council and Community Living Interlake. All grants from this fund go to charities within the Town of Stonewall.
Community Builder Club Teulon just in 2021 reached the $5000 threshold. Going forward, there will be an annual grant made from the CBC Teulon Fund to a charity in Teulon.
Community Builder Club Undesignated has a balance of $8500. Grants from this fund are made to a charity anywhere in our local area (Stonewall, Teulon, RMs of Rockwood, Rosser and Woodlands.) The fund has made grants to the South Interlake Regional Library in Teulon, the Interlake Eastern Health Authority, South Interlake 55 Plus, Project Linus Teulon Day Care and SIRL Stonewall.
For more information about Community Builder Club Funds or donations, please call Tracy at 204-467-5634 or email info@interlakefoundation.ca
Donations to these Community Builder Clubs can be made by setting up a repeating donation with your credit card through our partner the Winnipeg Foundation here:https://www.mycharitytools.com/gift/wpgfdn/donate?fund=254 Choose “make a repeating gift” and follow up with an email to us letting us know which community or fund you would like to support. If a CBC Fund for your community is not listed, please contact us.
Donations to any of these funds will increase the annual grants paid out. Thank you!
Local registered charities can apply for grants from these funds by visiting https://interlakefoundation.ca/cause/for-grant-applicants/