Update December 16, 2020
We are proud to have partnered with Community Foundations of Canada and the Government of Canada to deliver the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF)
Round 1 of ECSF was distributed over the summer and Round 2 launched on October 5, 2020. With Round 2, we’ve invested an additional $30,000 through the ECSF towards local charities and other qualified donees supporting populations experiencing heightened vulnerability during this crisis. We are pleased to announce the ECSF has supported projects:
1. $2,000 was invested in the South Interlake Seniors Resource Council Inc to purchase COVID PPE for volunteers and staff.
2. $4,700 was invested in the Interlake School Division/ Warren Collegiate Institute to purchase a commercial dishwasher to meet COVID requirements for breakfast program, lunch canteen and courses.
3. $5,000 was invested in the Teulon United Church to purchase PPE, cleaning supplies etc. for the CE building to be safely used by community groups during the pandemic.
4. $7,231 was invested in the Rosser Central Community Club Inc. to ensure cleanliness and safety of club for use by community groups.
5. $800 was invested in the Church of the Ascension FM Band Broadcasting Equipment to broadcast services and other community events by FM radio.
6. $5,900 was invested in the Teulon & District Senior’s Resource Council Inc for their project Safety for all –PPE and cleaning supplies for those who cannot afford to purchase on their own.
7. $1,927 was invested in the South Interlake Regional Library. They have purchased equipment to operate an outreach program.
8. $2,442 was invested in the Grosse Isle Memorial Rec Club Inc to provide a safe covid-free facility to ensue cleanliness for community groups.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared over 9 months ago, community-based charities and nonprofit organizations have been working tirelessly to provide emergency support, in particular to individuals and communities experiencing heightened vulnerability.
Charities, nonprofit organizations and First Nations governments are pillars of their communities who are working tirelessly to serve their communities. We know the need for funding is still significant and we’re continuing to advocate for broader recovery and stabilization support for the charitable sector.
We thank the Government of Canada, and our partner Community Foundations of Canada for this important program.
October 31, 2020
- The applications portal is now closed. You may view the list of projects being funded from Round 1 and the community foundations across Canada who participated in ECSF. Round 2 results will be published in January 2021.
The Interlake Community Foundation is re-activating the Emergency Community Support Fund alongside Community Foundations of Canada
The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unpredictable and challenging time for many, with some communities experiencing higher levels of vulnerability than others. Marginalized groups, youth, children and the elderly, essential workers, and newcomers are just some of the communities that have faced increased challenges. To provide emergency relief, the Government of Canada launched the Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) to help support communities made increasingly vulnerable by the pandemic.
Update July 23, 2020 The Interlake Community Foundation has allocated all of the $40,000 in grant funds.
The Interlake Community Foundation launches new Emergency Community Support Fund alongside communities coast to coast to coast.
Vulnerable populations across Canada continue to be disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Marginalized groups, youth, children and the elderly, essential workers, and newcomers are just some of the communities that are facing increased challenges right now.
Launched on May 19, 2020, the Government of Canada’s new Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) aims to provide additional and much-needed assistance to charities and non-profit organizations serving vulnerable populations. The Government of Canada is flowing funds through national networks, including Community Foundations of Canada, United Way Centraide Canada and the Canadian Red Cross. We are proud to be working with CFC and the Government of Canada to deliver funding locally to ensure that our most vulnerable citizens are safe and healthy. Through the ECSF, we will be investing fund towards local charities and qualified donees supporting vulnerable populations.
Click here to find out more from the CFC’s website: https://www.communityfoundations.ca/initiatives/emergency-community-support-fund/
Update July 23, 2020
We are proud to announce that the first Emergency Community Support Fund grants have been approved and we are grateful to the Government of Canada for the funding.
- $4000 to RM of Rockwood/Age Friendly Stonewall for project “Keep in Touch”
- $1100 to Oak Park Lodge Inc for meal program and sanitizing station
- $4000 to Association for Community Living Interlake Branch Project Family Meeting Shelters
- $10,000 to Green Acres Art Centre/Town of Teulon for 2020 summer camps that met COVID-19 requirements
- $3500 to Teulon and District Seniors Resource Council Inc. for meal and grocery delivery program
- $1450 to South Interlake Regional Library Inc. for “Taking the Library’s Programming Virtual.”
- $2950 to South Interlake Regional Library Inc for PPE (plexiglass barriers) for both branches
- $3000 to Teulon & District Handivan Service. Funds for PPE for passengers of the service.
- $3410 to the RM of Woodlands/Rosser Woodlands Rec Commission Funds to help with extra day camp costs due to COVID-19.
- $3250 to South West District Palliative Care for their iPad lending library for palliative patients
- $3340 to the Balmoral United Church/Balmoral Daycare Centre for a commercial dishwasher
We received 19 requests in total for $97,075.00. Our mandate was to serve vulnerable populations with an urgent need due to Covid-19. We had to make difficult decisions and we prioritized projects that would serve many people in our own communities. Some projects that were declined were very worthwhile projects, but did not fit the criteria or did not serve many people. Thank you to everyone who took the time to apply.