Established in 1994

Annual Ralph Eichler Charity Golf Tournament

The 20th Annual Ralph Eichler Charity Golf Tournament to support South West District Palliative Care and the Interlake Community Foundation will be on Friday, June 13, 2025. Shot Gun Tee off time at 11:00AM

The always fun golf tournament will again be at the beautiful Teulon Golf and Country Club. Entry fees per golfer will be $140 per person for green fees, boxed lunch, a shared cart and a post golf reception.

Please email if you have dietary restrictions before June 4th.

sponsorship hole sign remains $125 each.

Corporate packages of 4 golf registration and one hole sponsorship is $650.

Gold corporate sponsorships of $300 are available. You provide 2 prizes worth $100 each. Your organization has the opportunity to set up on a hole and plan a game or have giveaways for the golfers.

To pay with a cheque or e-transfer, please see our brochure which can be downloaded here:

TO PAY WITH YOUR CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD AND REGISTER ONLINE, CLICK THE BOX BELOW AND FILL IN YOUR INFORMATION. YOU WILL BE DIRECTED TO PAY THROUGH PAYPAL. You do not need to have a PayPal account – you can use your credit card and click “Pay with a credit or Visa Debit Card”  You do not need a PayPal account.

Enter Name and email address of the four golfers for corporate sponsorship
You set up on the course on one of 4 par 3 holes, the Par 5 straightest drive or the putting contest. You and your staff run a contest or promotion of your design!
Only 6 GOLD level sponsorships available. First come, first served!

Individual Registration

You may register up to 4 people for either Golf and Meal ($140.00 includes $30.00 tax receipt)

