The Leona and Larry Baker fund is an unrestricted fund that was started after Leona’s passing in December 2013. Larry is a past Board Member of the ICF and he and the family thought this would be a good way of making a lasting legacy. In lieu of flowers, many people made donations in memory of Leona. The Bakers were always very involved in their community, whether it be Woodlands, Stonewall or Balmoral.
This fund is unrestricted, which means that the income from the fund can be used for any worthy local charity’s project. Please see our grants page here: https://interlakefoundation.ca/cause/for-grant-applicants/
Anyone can donate to the fund, or any of our funds. https://interlakefoundation.ca/cause/ways-to-give/
The ICF is proud to be the steward of this legacy.