Quarry Park – Fines Fields Diamond LED Lighting Project
Please support the efforts to light the diamonds at Fines Fields with new LED lighting on all fields. This initiative will allow greater access to the diamonds by both men’s & women’s teams and enable Quarry Park to attract national, western and other large organized tournaments.
The proposed solution is neighbourhood and environmentally-friendly LED lighting that has low light pollution beyond the field of play. A short video on the project can be viewed here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yQdAqD8atZbCOFUwi7Io0miq52b38tOe/view?fbclid=IwAR1HYDnoSXfOOOGnRmi14xEvncX-r99MEBIlvGDy_tgXET0v5HCjzdS83q0
Donation receipts available through Interlake Community Foundation for amounts greater than $50. Help us make Fines Fields a pre-eminent ball facility in our province and the jewel of our community!
The Quarry Park – Fines Fields Diamond LED Lighting Project has been set up to accept donations towards the project. This fund is not endowed or held in perpetuity. Rather, all donations will flow through to the Town of Stonewall for the diamond LED Lighting Project.
To donate to this fund, please mail a cheque payable to the Interlake Community Foundation PO Box 1575 Stonewall MB R0C 2Z0. All donors gifting $50 or more will receive a charitable tax receipt. The donor form for printing is here: Quarry Park Fines Field Project – donation form
If you would like to send an e-transfer, please use info@interlakefoundation.ca and follow-up with an email to us with your name and mailing address so that we can send you a donation receipt.
To donate with a credit card through Canada Helps, please click here: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/the-interlake-community-foundation-inc/
This link will describe other ways to give, including donations of shares: https://interlakefoundation.ca/cause/ways-to-give/
If you would like more information about the project, please contact Ian Proven by email or phone: ian.proven@gmail.com 204-513-0620