The RM of Rosser Fund was created by the Council of Rosser to ensure that local charities have access to grant funds every year. This fund has grown every year and now has a balance over $122,000! Community grants from the income on the fund have been made to the Grosse Isle Memorial Park Rec Club, Rosser Central Community Club, Vintage Locomotive Society–Grosse Isle Heritage Site, South West District Palliative Care, South Interlake Regional Library, Innovative Life Options, Oak Hammock Marsh, Community Living Interlake, and the Interlake School Division (awards to students.)
If your community charity would like to apply for a community grant, please see https://interlakefoundation.ca/cause/for-grant-applicants/

Reeve Frances Smee and ICF’s Tracy Holod
To donate to this, or any of our funds, with a credit card, please visit our page on the Endow MB site https://www.endowmb.org/community-foundations/interlake-community-foundation/