Established in 1994

Memorial and Honourary Donations

In 2024, the ICF has received donations in memory of:

Barb Barnes

Ed Barnes

Shannon Barnes

Pearl Boonstra

Leslie Mann Goresky

Modiste Holod

Jennifer Jensen

Abby Margetts

A.J. Mollard

Dave Unrau

Edwin (Ed) Woods


In 2024, the ICF has received donations in celebration/ in honour of:

The Lions Manor Meal Program – Staff and Volunteers

Jeanette Fraser – 90th Birthday

Selkirk General Hospital


In 2023, the Interlake Community Foundation has received donations in memory of:

Bernice Atkinson

Ethan Boyer

Audrey Brad

Evelyn Buchanan

Ethel Bullock

Doug and Vicky Deprez

Jim Doucette

Stewart Fraser

Tom Goodman

Richard Grayson

Gwen Griffin

Sandor Guttman

Ed Hendricks

M. Evaleen Hillier

Modiste Holod

Donna Jensen

Jennifer Jensen

Sloane Victoria Lepage

Kenny Makowski

Kay Martell

A.J. Mollard

Art Morrison

Jack Moore

Nestor Myska

Stephanie Oland Duncan

Anne Peleshaty

Cal Sinclair

Cal Surgenor

Bill Swan

Dave Unrau

Ernie Webb

Ernest Webb

Jack Webb

John Webb

Sam Webb

Alice Weitzel

Lydia Wermie

Donna Yeo

In 2023, the Interlake Community Foundation has received donations in honour or celebration of:

I Love to Read Month

MJ Heaps – Quarry K9

Donggi Lee

Sandra Smith

Stonewall Blues U11A Team Scrivens

Todd Wenzoski

The ICF Board of Directors for 90 combined years of service on current Board

In 2022, the Interlake Community Foundation has received donations in memory of:

John Beech

Ethan Boyer

Muriel Boyer

Gwen Buchanan

Darrell Cherniak

Diane Dziedzic

Alexandra C. Garry

Ryan Grandmont

Sandor Guttman

Jim Harris

Donna Jensen

Jennifer Jensen

Terry Lindell

Abby Margetts

Nestor Myska

Stephanie Oland Duncan

Audrey C Lebedeff

Sandy Lindsay

Shelagh and Robert Miller

Brenda Peters

Jordyn Reimer

McKenna Riley

Pauline Ratushniak

Ron Taraschuk

Hedy Thiessen

Garnet Thievin

Dave Unrau

Kyle J. Unrau

Donald Taplin

Karl F. Warner, K.C.

Pat Warburton

Lorne Willis

In 2022, the Interlake Community Foundation has received donations in honour or celebration of:

Bob Beck

Ralph R. Eichler, MLA for Lakeside

Rachel Guttman and Kyle Holod

Al Leiman

Kathy and Murray Mulligan

Jeanette and Barry Sheasgreen

In 2021, the Interlake Community Foundation has received donations in memory of:

Vern Appleyard

Leslie Balan

Glenn Bond

Rob Broadfoot

Darrell Cherniak

Jim Dola

Ryan Grandmont

David & Liz Guttman

Gordon Hanna

Agnes L. Hogg

Jennifer Jensen

Sophie and Chris Jensen

Abby Lee Anne Margetts

Lynn Mann

Nestor Myska

Stephanie Oland Duncan

Bonnie Place

Joyce Prekaski

McKenna Riley

Donald Taplin

Heather Unger

Dave Unrau

George & Grace Willox

In 2020, the Interlake Community Foundation has received donations in memory of:

Dorothy Chrismas                                          Nestor Myska

Ryan Grandmont                                            Jim Millar

David & Elizabeth Guttman                         Eva Pearl Olson                 

Sandor Guttman                                            McKenna Riley

Donna Jensen                                                 Ralph Trombo     

Jennifer Jensen                                               Dave Unrau  

Lauritz and Georgina Jensen                      Donna Ward 

John Klimpke                                                  Donna Webb

John and Jean Laing                                    George & Grace Willox 

Bryan Lefley                                                  Ellen Wilson                                                 

Rosemarie Yeo

In 2020, the Interlake Community Foundation has received donations in honour of:

Bob Beck

Carl Boonstra

In celebration of past and present volunteers of the Woodlands Pioneer Museum

Belinda McNaughton

In honour of the William and Marietta Taylor Family (early settlers)


In 2019, the Interlake Community Foundation has received donations in memory of:

Mrs. Leona Baker

Mr. Peter Blue

Mr. Archie Cameron

Murray and Ruth Couch

Mr. William Dennis Elliott

Mr. Sandor Guttman

Dr. Rev. Harold King

Mr. Bryan Lefley

Mr. Terry Lindell

Miss Abby Margetts

Mr. Randy McClintock

A.J. Mollard

W.T. Mollard

A.E. Mollard

R. L. Mollard

and the Mollard Clan

D.P. Morrison

Mr. Nestor Myska

Jack and Sus Pearson

Mr. Lloyd Proctor

Ms. Joanne Stewart

Mr. Dennis Toll

In 2019, the Interlake Community Foundation has received donations in honour of:

Mr. Chad Willis

Mr. Bob Beck

In 2018, the Interlake Community Foundation received donations in memory of:

Mrs. H. Nina Broadfoot

Mrs. Eleanor Eichler-Grauff

Mr. Sandor Guttman

Ms. Donna Jensen

Ms. Jennifer Jensen

Mr. and Mrs. Lauritz and Georgina Jensen

Mr. & Mrs. George and Grace Willox

in 2018, the Interlake Community Foundation received donations in honour of:

Mr. Chad Willis

Mr. Bob Beck

In 2017, the Interlake Community Foundation received donations in memory of:

Ms. Dorothy Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. Lauritz and Georgina Jensen

In 2017. the Interlake Community Foundation received donations in honour of;

Dr. and Mrs. Harold and Doreen King

We thank everyone who has made these donations.

To make a donation in memory or in honour of someone, please see our donations form with ways to donate: General donation form ICF

Please give us the name and mailing address of the friend or family member, and we will send a card on your behalf.

Please make cheques payable to the Interlake Community Foundation and mail to Box 1575 Stonewall MB R0C 2Z0.

If you wish to donate with a credit card, call our office or visit  Online donations are processed by the Winnipeg Foundation.

If you would like to send an e-transfer, please use and also send an email to us with your name and mailing address so that we can issue a donation receipt.

Donations of securities in kind are welcome—contact us for more information. WpgFdn_-_Securities_Transfer_Form-CIBC

Receipts will be issued for all donations $20.00 and over.

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