The Warren Collegiate Alumni Fund
This fund was started in 2019 as a tribute to the class of 1970. It will fund a scholarship at Warren Collegiate with the first award being made in June 2023.
To donate to this fund with a credit card, click here https://www.mycharitytools.com/gift/wpgfdn/donate?fund=254
To donate by cheque, make your donation payable to the Interlake Community Foundation and write a note telling us which fund the donation is for. Please mail to us at Box 1575 Stonewall MB R0C 2Z0. Download and print the donor form here.ICF WCI Alumni Endowment Fund donor form
To donate by e-transfer, please send funds to info@interlakefoundation.ca and followup with an email with your name and address, and indicate the endowment fund your donation is for.
We will issue a charitable receipt for all donations over $20.00.
Thank you for supporting education in your community!